Why Montessori Middle School at LePort?
The early adolescent years are a critical time in a young person’s life. They can be thrilling: The child becomes a young adult. Horizons broaden, and questions of purpose, of meaning, of life goals make for deep conversations. Yet these years can also be challenging: Emotions run high like they did during the toddler years. Bodies change. Hormones and impulsivity, peer focus and rejection of adult authority can make guiding a young person toward good judgment quite a task.
“The whole life of the adolescent should be organized in such a way that will allow him or her, when the time comes, to make a triumphal entry into the life of society, not entering it debilitated, isolated or humiliated, but with head high, sure of himself or herself. Success in life depends on self-confidence born of a true knowledge of one’s capacities.”
—Dr. Maria Montessori