
LePort Montessori’s Online Program is an at-home option for families seeking a virtual experience due to COVID-19.

The goals of the Primary Online Program are to:
1. Create a virtual/at-home experience that replicates the in-person Montessori Primary experience as much as possible.
2. Incorporate virtual social and learning connections to other children and families.


Our Montessori Online teachers are passionate, AMI Montessori-trained Head Teachers who are supported
to do their best with every child, every day. They are committed to adhering to the Montessori Method and providing children with an academically challenging online experience along with unique offline opportunities.

Parent Participation

Parents are encouraged to gather the necessary items for the weekly lessons. We recommend a small table and chair workspace in your home for your child to participate online with the teacher and to do their lessons and class activities. In this space, your child will be invited to practice their lessons with minimal parent oversight after the initial teacher presentation as repetition is key to mastering the lesson concepts.

Repetition is imperative to a child’s learning at home. Once lessons are presented by the teachers, children spend their time repeating lessons to master the intended concept over a period of time.

Daily Instruction

The Montessori Online Program for Primary provides children with two to three points of contact per day. Each morning begins with an early class gathering to set the tone. These group activities cultivate a sense of community and organization for the class. They are perfect times for children to enjoy singing, storytelling, and celebrations from time to time. Children attend individual meetings throughout the week to receive one-on-one instruction and interaction with the teacher. These are opportunities for students to receive new lessons or practice their work under the teacher’s supervision. Additionally, a smaller group activity occurs at least once a week and is an important element in the Montessori experience, as it may provide a healthy dose of competition for some children and a sense of partnership for others. The Montessori online learning days typically end with a rich large group gathering where children dive into activities ranging from virtual visits to museums to crafts, physical education, and science experiments.

Recorded lessons, materials, and additional resources are offered in the Google Classroom for families to access. Because children in a Montessori environment make discoveries at their own pace, our program provides exercises that can be carried out before, after, and in between meetings.

Weekly Meetings

Afternoon meetings between parent and teacher can take place on a weekly basis where a discussion of progress, parent support, and student goals will take place. A detailed schedule and instructions on how to prepare for the week is shared with families on Fridays.

Monthly Reports

A brief written summary of child participation, progress, and goals are created by teachers and submitted to parents. The contents of these reports can be discussed in a scheduled meeting with the teacher.

Additional Details

The Montessori Online Program is offered for the full 2020/2021 school year with an identical tuition rate as our in-person program. If you would like your child to attend on campus at a later time, please contact us for availability.

The Zoom video conferencing app will be used to facilitate classroom instruction and positive peer social interactions, as well as small group gatherings or virtual field trips.

Google Classroom will be used to share materials and resources between school and home, while also serving as a way to share your child’s work so our teachers can continue to guide your child’s progress.

LePort Montessori Online Teachers

Ayanthi Ratnayake
Online Education Director

Ms. Ayanthi Ratnayake was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota. Her first experience with Montessori came as a child. She attended the same school where her mother taught primary children. She remembers some of her favorite Montessori materials from childhood: the color boxes and dressing frames. In hindsight, she believes that her experience as a Montessori child has led her to be more flexible in thought and more accepting of others.

Ms. Ayanthi completed her B.A. in psychology and worked at a Montessori school and a traditional preschool for over seven years. She completed her AMI Diploma at the Montessori Institute of San Diego. In conjunction with her diploma, she earned a master’s degree in education from Loyola University Maryland. She feels strongly that the Montessori approach provides a holistic approach towards learning. She loves that each day of working with young children brings new experiences and growth over time.

Outside of teaching, Ms. Ayanthi enjoys traveling and learning about different cultures, trying new restaurants, listening to music, shopping, and last but not least, spending time with family and friends.

Neda Farabi
Primary Online Head Teacher

Mrs. Neda Farabi was born in Iran and received a master’s degree in Educational Psychology from BIHE. She then became a professor in the Psychology Department there, teaching several courses in preschool education. In addition, Mrs. Neda worked for five years in a child development center in Tehran, serving as an educational director and counselor for children with learning disorders before she and her family relocated to the United States in 2013. Mrs. Neda started working at the LePort Spectrum North campus in 2014, and from that time set her sights on completing the Montessori Primary training. She obtained her Association Montessori Internationale Primary 3- to 6-year diploma through the Montessori Institute of San Diego in May 2017.

Mrs. Neda has two wonderful children and a loving husband who have all been very supportive of her. Her personal interests include hiking, reading and memorizing poems, reading books, playing guitar, watching movies, and various social activities.

Frida Yeo
Primary Online Head Teacher

Frida Yeo received her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management from the University Of Surabaya, Indonesia. Mrs. Frida found immense joy in raising her two beautiful girls and realized her passion was to help ignite the flame of curiosity and knowledge in young children. While volunteering at her children’s school, Mrs. Frida began her path to become an educator. Mrs. Frida earned her Advanced Early Childhood Certificate from the University Of California, Los Angeles, and received her Association Montessori Internationale diploma at the Montessori Institute of San Diego.

Before joining LePort, Mrs. Frida worked at First Methodist Church Preschool in Santa Monica and Clover Elementary School in Los Angeles. In her free time, Mrs. Frida enjoys traveling and embarking on culinary adventures with her husband and two children.

Practical Life: The Exercises of Daily Living

Independence • Organizational Skills • Care of Environment • Care of Self • Grace and Courtesy • Conflict Resolution

These are the exercises that allow young children to participate in day to day life, and give them a sense of accomplishment and pride that they are capable and contributing members of the family. Practical Life activities are designed as purposeful activities that your child may see you carry out, which cultivates a sense of responsibility. Our online teachers will assist you in adapting any household task to the level and ability of your young child. These will range from preliminary tasks that form the building blocks of other activities, like pouring and folding, to activities on the themes of caring for the environment and caring for the self. We also will share some lessons that we call Grace and Courtesy, which help your child offer food, how to politely interrupt, and all the manners of daily living.

Practical Life activities help children with independence, confidence, control of movement, and development of the will. It encourages children to organize themselves and their work–all great preparation for more advanced work in language and mathematics.

When these lessons are given virtually, teachers do their best to replicate the instruction so materials from home can be used. Schedules for each week are provided in advance with a list of materials necessary so you will have time to prepare.

Sensorial / Education of the Senses

Order and Classification of Sensorial Impressions • Refinement of the Senses • Memory • Intelligence • Abstraction

The curriculum for the education of the senses does much more than stimulate sensorial experiences. It develops the child’s ability to reach higher levels of discrimination and recall of sensorial impressions. Sensorial activities fulfill the child’s need to classify and categorize the world. They develop memory and build the child’s intelligence. Sensorial exercises direct the child’s attention towards the details that surround them and they teach the child to appreciate what they perceive on a daily basis at a much deeper level.

Maria Montessori designed what she called “sensorial” materials to help the children with this work of exploring the world. Our Montessori Online teachers are very creative and resourceful about engaging children in these lessons with materials that can be gathered from home—homemade sound cylinders, color tablets, and smelling bottles, to name a few. Following exercises involve further exploration of the environment with things commonly found around the home. Sensorial activities are open-ended, and, therefore, lend themselves to independent repetition and exploration. These experiences are what lead children to make discoveries that will be ingrained in their memory and become part of their knowledge base for future application.

Our Montessori Online teachers carefully prepare instructions for how to create and arrange materials that are used in the lessons. Suggestions for follow- up activities are posted on Google Classroom and available at your family’s convenience.


Vocabulary • Letter and Phonemic Awareness • Reading • Written Expression • Grammar • Creative Drama • Literature

Dr. Montessori believed a child’s unconscious language develops through experiences in their family environment. Young children hear language spoken around them and “spontaneously” develops the ability to speak.

A similar path is followed to develop written language skills. Parents, as the child’s
first teachers, surround their child with enriching, meaningful language experiences: family conversation, storytelling, cultural experiences, nature walks, listening and rhyming games, poetry, bedtime stories,
and question and answer games. Montessori teachers continue the work that began in the home through sound games, and pre-reading and vocabulary enrichment lessons.

All these experiences provide a rich storehouse of information that a child expresses verbally and, once we provide the tools through phonetic awareness, through written expression. Maria Montessori developed language materials to help children identify alphabet sounds, combine sounds to form words, and prepare their hands for writing. In Montessori education, children learn to write in cursive (mimics the flow of the hand and no need to pick up a pencil when writing each letter) first, then learn to build words with the Movable Alphabet, which then leads to reading.

The first written expressions of a child use phonetic or inventive spelling. At this early stage, we take an attitude of “friendliness with error” and save the formal spelling corrections for separate lessons on conventional spelling rules. Eventually, they will learn about the parts of speech and engage in creative writing and self-expression.

Our Montessori Online teachers will provide guidance and utilization of key materials such as Sandpaper Letters and Movable Alphabets in your home. They will also provide language cards and reading materials for your review and/or to print in Google Classroom.


Numerals • Quantities • Sequencing • Operations and Math Facts • Reading and Working with Place Value and Fractions

Maria Montessori developed math materials to help children identify symbols and quantities from 0-9 and adding Teens and Tens. We introduce counting to 100 and 1000, and the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In Montessori, children learn the place value of units, tens, hundreds, and thousands, and learn how to complete the operations with complex numbers. Children are also exposed to the concepts of skip counting, fractions, geometry, and the clock and telling time.

Our Montessori Online teachers will provide guidance on creating key materials such as Sandpaper Numbers, and activities that represent quantity in your home. They will also provide printable Montessori math materials that your child can use for repetition at home.

Cultural Lessons

Geography • Time and History • Zoology • Botany • Foreign Languages

“How do I see myself in my community?”

Cultural lessons reflect the time, place, and community that the child is part of. It is seen as an extension of the other areas in the Montessori classroom. Children from birth to 3 years old have absorbed everything from their surroundings like a sponge. The 3-6-year-old child then has a desire to organize and make sense out of all that has been absorbed. We often hear children asking adults “but why” and “how.” Therefore the cultural lessons are tailored to your child’s interests by their teacher. Some of the materials in the classroom include globes, puzzle maps, land and water forms, flags, and geography folders.

The Montessori curriculum promotes inclusivity and diversity. Family cultural backgrounds are invited into the class, and all traditions, celebrations and stories are welcomed learning experiences for children to share with their class.

During online learning, your child’s teacher will form relationships with you and your child, find out your cultural interests, and incorporate those into individualized and group lessons. There will be group meetings that will offer crafts, science experiments, virtual field trips, and physical education, which contain cultural components.

Creative Expression, Fundamentals of Art, Music, Movement

Singing • Bells • Rhythm • Variety of Music • Visual Arts • Mediums • Small and Gross Motor Refinement

The development of a child’s imagination and creativity is established through interactions with the prepared environment. Dr. Montessori viewed creativity within the context of the total development of the child—artistic, intellectual, emotional, and social. Rich experiences in the Montessori environment lend themselves to the construction of the self and meaningful exploration with materials further enhance the expansion of creativity. Matching and grading the Montessori Bells, developing rhythm through song and movement, as well as hands-on experiences with various art mediums, allow for the full integration of self as a creative being in its broadest sense. Creative dance and movement activities joyfully punctuate the day, while small gatherings provide avenues for social-emotional learning within the environment.

Our Montessori Online teachers will provide engaging experiences with your child during small and large group gatherings. Guidance towards creating materials in your home and preparing an environment suited for creative expression and the development of art and music appreciation will be provided. Your child will also engage in various immersive experiences in the creative arts. This may include online concert attendance and virtual art walks to learning songs from various cultures and/or creating their own masterpieces and/or musical instruments.

© Copyright 2023, LePort Montessori
Spring Education Group is controlled by Primavera Holdings Limited, an investment firm (together with its affiliates) principally based in Hong Kong with operations in China, Singapore, and the United States, that is itself owned by Chinese persons residing in Hong Kong.

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By providing us with your phone number, you consent to being contacted by LePort Montessori and/or its affiliated schools regarding their educational programs, whether such contact is by phone, autodialer, recorded message, or text. Please note: Your consent is not required as a condition of enrollment.